Teachers and Educators

Powerpoint Presentations developed by Alex Dunn, please use and give credit

Bird Migration and Bird Songs by Habitat, developed for Birding by Ear - Mass Audubon at Broad Meadow Brook

Learning Warbler Songs, developed for Birding by Ear - Mass Audubon at Broad Meadow Brook

Demystifying Bird Watching, developed for the New England Environmental Education Association 2012 Annual Conference

The Digital Bird Watcher, developed for the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society 2012 annual Conference

Web Resources

Bird Identification

BirdWatchers Digest -  keeping a field notebook 

Digital Sound Resources - www.birdjam.com and www.larkwire.com

Finding Bird watching locations

Alastair Humphreys - Micro Adventures

Massachusetts Important Bird Area Sites - IBAs

eBird “hotspots – www.ebird.org (zoom in to the county level of the geography you are interested in. Click on a marker for details about that location)

Massachusetts BirdingTrails (Google Earth overlay data) 

Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas (finding your block) 

Keeping a list

eBird “My eBird” – www.ebird.org

Blog – www.blogger.com


Cornell'l Laboratory of Ornithology All About Birds Bird Guide 

The Birds of North America Online - paid subscription required

Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas – breedingrange changes 

State of the Birds report 2011 

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – nest cams 

Allen’s hummingbird live streaming nest cam


Rosetta Stone for warblers night call notes 

Audubon Magazine “Unlocking Migration's Secrets

Hawk Migration Association of North America - hawk watch sights species totals

DCR Gull and Water Quality Study

Additional Bird Education Resources

Environment for the Americas and International Migratory Bird Day

Flying Wild – Teacher Resource Kit

Celebrate Urban Birds – school yard bird watch, citizen science, mini-grants

Schedule Alex for a field trip, lecture or classroom visit

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