April 8, 2011

Places to bird watch in Cambridge – Fresh Pond

With duck migration in full swing this is a great time of year to hang up the coat and venture out to a local pond, seashore, lake or reservoir to look for ducks. With most of the ice gone, open water shines from above and waterfowl of all kinds make their way north by literally puddle jumping from pool to shining pool. For folks stuck in the confines of Cambridge a quick trip to Fresh Pond located between Alewife Brook Parkway, Huron Ave., and Concord Ave. can turn up some great ducks. Fresh Pond itself is a glacial kettle pond that historically was used to harvest ice and is now a public drinking supply for the city of Cambridge. As a reservoir it is fenced in and closed to boating and fishing. However, the pond is rimmed with a paved walking and running trail, and lined with trees. There are decent views (even through the chain link) of all parts of the reservoir and walking the ~2 mile loop can turn up such species as Canvasbacks, Ring-necked ducks, Ruddy ducks and more.

Orlando (Annotated): A Biography
The literary explorer will enjoy seeking the mystery, marble bench that appeared some years ago inscribed with a passage from Virginia Woolf’s “Orlando”.

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